Monday, April 19, 2010

Evolution of artificial teeth, and elixirs

RIGA - From the fourth to the third centuries BC, the first artificial teeth were being invented to replace the removed or fallen-out teeth. Artificial incisors, cut out of ivory and fastened with a gold wire, were implanted for rich Phoenicians. In the Middle Ages, dentures were made of pig, dog or human teeth. There was a legend about the villain - landowner Saltychiha - who wanted her beautiful smile back. She ordered a serf to pluck out some teeth from several of the domestic girls, to choose a collection the most suitable in colors and forms.

Prophylactic mixtures were also applied on teeth from time immemorial. In the fifth century BC the well-known Hippocrates recommended the use of ash tree mice and a rabbit’s head to save healthy teeth and to remove fetid odors from the mouth. First of all, teeth were to be cleaned with a powder, then wiped with sweaty sheep’s wool lubricated in honey. Another healer, Pliny, for the prevention of dental diseases recommended eating a fried mouse once every two months. An English physician, the monk John Gladdesden, suggested another easy recipe – a person must regularly breathe their own excrement. In China it was recommended to brush teeth with the burned head of monkey ashes. However, ancient Romans, for hygienic procedures, prepared pearl or coral powder.

Nowadays there are various dentures, removable artificial teeth that appeared. Full artificial replacements are necessary for those who have adentia – the total absence of teeth on the jaw. Such artificial teeth are fastened with the help of binding effects to the gum. Disadvantages of these dentures are that sometimes it is not possible to reach a good foundation because of the individual anatomic features of the jaw; patients can feel uncomfortable because of rubbing of the gums after eating solid food.
The Bugel prosthesis has the construction of an arc which allows the use as a base not only the gum, but also natural teeth. Chewing with bugel fixtures is closer to reality. In case of losing one tooth, you can either implant a new tooth, or use conventionally removable dentures. This kind of protheses is fixed with metal clips to the adjacent teeth.

Fixed dentures are used for the long term. They can be made out of metal material (steel, gold), combination (metal and plastic), ceramic or metal-ceramic. It has been epidemiologically proved that fixed dentures better restore the chewing function.
The only unpleasant moment is in getting used to the dental prosthesis. This can be from one week to one month. You should brush and rinse your dentures every day to remove food and plaque.

Conditioners for mouthwash are aqueous – alcoholic (1.5 – 3 percent) solutions. Deodorizing conditioners and sprays, used after brushing, contain antibacterial agents - hlorhexidine or triclosane, listerine – anti-inflammatory agents are used to reduce the formation of tooth plaque

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