Friday, April 13, 2012

Toothpaste tooth decay treated without surgery

Researchers from the Institute succeeded FAP Dental, Japan, in the development of a substance capable of reform early tooth decay without the need to drill teeth doctor user wounds, according to the science journal Nature reported in its latest issue.

In order to treat tooth decay, the dentist usually remove the corrupt parts of the tooth by the drill and then add the stuffing to fill the vacuum created.

But Japanese researchers say in this process and a violation of exaggeration unwarranted, especially in the early stages of decay where the Altsusat microscopic size in a high-accuracy.

The researchers believe that it does not make sense to remove the parts of the tooth is Mtsush to be able to install the charge that you need to vacuum sufficient regardless of the size of cavities.

And if left untreated Altsusat small, the bacteria destroy the tooth enamel, leading to a deeper Tsusat. Over time, increases erosion, which weakens the teeth more, and become a hole and filling necessary. May be needed later to address the root canal or installing crown of the tooth erosion after filling. The age of the patient may lose altogether.

However, the new putty to stop the deterioration of the teeth prior to double ball of ice. It will be like putty white crystalline substance tooth enamel chemically and structurally.Putty has succeeded in repairing what caused the early decay of the crack in the bottom of the Najz mouth.

In the process took 15 minutes without a drill, he succeeded putty to fill in and seal the area where the impact of tooth decay. The following tests have shown that treatment of the putty has been proven in the Age properly integrated with the port of natural tooth.

The researchers compared the results of treatment with a solution of fluoride, which is an alternative treatment for early decay and paste between the results of the new treatment, they found that the fluoride solution covered the Port may age, but of varying thickness, leaving a gap between the treated area of ​​the tooth and the other untreated.The new putty did not leave any gap and maintained the regularity of the thickness of the port of Age of treatment.

And this paste can be treated early tooth decay, and strengthens the natural harbor of age, which helps prevent decay the same area again.

This can be used by dentists putty, and warns that touches the gum paste, because Haamadath high concentration of hydrogen peroxide it may cause inflammation of the gums, but other materials may cause similar cons have been used previously in the treatment of patients.

In order for dentists to obtain a new paste, the remaining teeth daily care of the normal fluoride toothpaste except you, and use floss to clean between the teeth, and periodic disclosure to the doctor, are the best options available.

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