The principles of the use of toothbrush
Use a toothbrush very easy and has a significant impact on the health of your teeth and your overall health.
Here are some tips for prophylaxis when Tafrhi your teeth:
• Supervising the Snonk gently.
• Use a soft brush and the size of your mouth, because the large brush did not reach the back teeth and small brush will prolong the time of brushing.
• Use toothpaste that contains fluoride. That children should use the amount of paste the size of a pea and adults to cover the brush with toothpaste.
• Brush your teeth twice a day at least, when you sleep and before you sleep. Tnzifam better after every meal.
• You must take two minutes brushing your teeth. Look at the clock to see how much time has passed.
• instead of your brush every three months.
• Remember that all aspects Tafrhi
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