Thursday, May 17, 2012

Home and the history of asparagus

Home and the history of asparagus:

His native England, it is located in Russia, Poland and Greece. Asparagus had a prominent place when the Greeks and Romans.
Pliny mentions in his book varieties grow in Ravenna, including asparagus. Gerard notes the existence of asparagus in 1957.

The asparagus plants that have a distinctive position in the world, and pharmacists were the Chinese keep the roots of good and fresh asparagus for members of their family and friends for their faith as the increase in the bonds of sympathy and love.

In India, the Indians used the roots of asparagus to increase fertility and ease Chjnat the menstrual cycle in women and to increase the generation of milk when nursing mothers.

Installation of Asparagus:

94% water, protein, sugar high, Saponin, mineral salts, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B2, B1 Aftiamin

Uses and benefits of medical asparagus:

- Increases fertility in women
- Removes menstrual pain
- Improves milk yield at the nursing mother
- Tonic for sexual energy, has a memorandum of plant hormones
- The roots of asparagus helps the secretion of hormones that affect the human feeling
- Diuretic, heartbreaking gravel and sand. Removes salts from the body and entrapment of water
- Nutritious, contains a high content of folic acid, which is required during pregnancy
- Helps to produce red blood cells
- Helps treat rheumatism
- Strengthens the visual acuity due to the presence of vitamin A prevents night blindness

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