Thursday, May 17, 2012

ض Sorrel والعلاج بالاعشاب Acidosis Sorrel Sorrel and herbal treatment

Perennial slender and low. Its shape and equity securities Sanabel terminal with small green flowers turn to red when mature seeds. It grows wild types and some are grown, and longer pulses of agriculture.
It grows wild in the bush near the wetlands and streams are grown for their leaves acidity. An herb with a height of about (30) centimeters, which is of two types: the great gardener acidosis and acidosis young gardener, there is a small paper acidosis in most temperate regions of the world. Growing in fallow land and in pastures, and in the early Moktef class.


Contains a small paper on acidosis and Oczalat Entrakinnonat (including Alkrisovanol and Alaamurden and Alveskjon). Alantrakinont irritant and laxative effect of when they are isolated.

History and Heritage

Acidosis paper is a small component of anti-cancer drug called Isaac Essiac, as well as its
Kkhaddrh in power. Alaasiak also includes, a local version of American, burdock and red elm and Alraud

The Ashabon knew at the beginning of this century, after that I noticed a Canadian nurse cure patient took this formula from breast cancer, and since that time has seen Alaasiak history has been uneven.

Medical Uses

Acidosis a small paper for removing toxic herb, fresh juice and the effect of markedly diuretic, which is similar to other members of the platoon acidosis, mild laxative, and can be a treatment for chronic diseases in the long run, especially those related to gastric and intestinal tract.

For the use of acidosis on the dining table: acidosis separate papers for its market and sliced ​​grated and mixed with mayonnaise dried milk, then add the apple (grated) and mix well and progress as an authority.

To make soup: toasted a little flour in ghee Thmissa light, it remains exact retains turquoise, white, then add the onion chopped and the amount of gravy salted, and boil to the equator, and before the end of boiling a few minutes only added to the soup amount of 125 g of paper acidosis chopped.

The thickness and types of pasta: toasted flour as described above in the preparation of the soup and add the amount of milk and boil to the equator and then blends well with the chopped leaves acidosis.

CAUTION: acidosis should not be taken by a small paper who has a tendency to kidney injury pebble.

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