Monday, September 10, 2012

Periodontal Plastic Procedures

Periodontal Plastic Procedures

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal literally means "around the tooth".,hence periodontal disease refers to a chronic bacteria infection of the gums and bone supporting the teeth. It can affect one tooth or several teeth and if left untreated, may lead to tooth loss.

Parts of a tooth

The most common form of periodontal disease include gingivitis and periodontitis. In the early stages, only the gums are infected (gingivitis). Later, it spreads to the bone surrounding the tooth and other supporting tissues. Finally the tooth becomes loose and may fall out. Periodontal disease can affect persons of any age.

What are the common signs and symptoms of periodontal disease?

You may have periodontal disease if you have:
  • Bleeding gums when brushing
  • Red, swollen,puffy-looking or tender gums
  • Abscesses on the gum
  • Pus secreting from between the teeth and gums
  • Shaky teeth
  • Teeth appearing to drift apart from its original position
  • Receeding gumline (gum recession)
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Vague discomfort or dull-ache of gums and teeth
You may still have gum disease and not have any of the above signs and symptoms as most people do not experience any pain with the gum infection.

What causes periodontal disease?

The main cause of periodontal disease is bacterial plaque. Our mouths are full of bacteria. These bacteria, along with salivary proteins, constantly form a sticky colourless "plaque" on teeth. Brushing and flossing help prevent plaque accumulation. Plaque that is not removed can harden and form bacteria-harbouring calculus or "tartar" over time. Calculus cannot be removed by daily toothbrushing and only a professional cleaning by a dentist or dental hygienist can remove it.


The longer plaque and calculus stay on teeth, the more harmful they become. Bacterial plaque causes inflammation of the gums, which is called "gingivitis." The gums become red and puffy, bleeding easily. Gingivitis is a mild form of periodontal disease that can usually be reversed with daily brushing and flossing, and regular scaling by a dentist or a dental hygienist.


If gingivitis is not untreated, it can progress to "periodontitis". The gums start to pull away from the teeth and are filled with plaque and become infected. As the plaque spreads and grows beneath the gum line, the body's immune system fights the bacteria. Bacterial toxins and the body's enzymes fighting the infection actually starts to break down the bone and connective tissue that hold teeth in place.

If left untreated, the bones, gums and connective tissue are destroyed. The teeth may eventually become loose and have to be removed. Periodontitis can range from mild to moderate to even severe forms. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Herbal medicine

Herbal medicine


What is herbal medicine?
Herbal medicine -- also called botanical medicine or phytomedicine -- refers to using a plant's seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes. Herbalism has a long tradition of use outside of conventional medicine. It is becoming more mainstream as improvements in analysis and quality control along with advances in clinical research show the value of herbal medicine in the treating and preventing disease.
What is the history of herbal medicine?
Plants had been used for medicinal purposes long before recorded history. Ancient Chinese and Egyptian papyrus writings describe medicinal uses for plants as early as 3,000 BC. Indigenous cultures (such as African and Native American) used herbs in their healing rituals, while others developed traditional medical systems (such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine) in which herbal therapies were used. Researchers found that people in different parts of the world tended to use the same or similar plants for the same purposes.
In the early 19th century, when chemical analysis first became available, scientists began to extract and modify the active ingredients from plants. Later, chemists began making their own version of plant compounds and, over time, the use of herbal medicines declined in favor of drugs. Almost one fourth of pharmaceutical drugs are derived from botanicals.
Recently, the World Health Organization estimated that 80% of people worldwide rely on herbal medicines for some part of their primary health care. In Germany, about 600 - 700 plant based medicines are available and are prescribed by some 70% of German physicians. In the past 20 years in the United States, public dissatisfaction with the cost of prescription medications, combined with an interest in returning to natural or organic remedies, has led to an increase in herbal medicine use.
How do herbs work?
In many cases, scientists aren' t sure what specific ingredient in a particular herb works to treat a condition or illness. Whole herbs contain many ingredients, and they may work together to produce a beneficial effect. Many factors determine how effective an herb will be. For example, the type of environment (climate, bugs, soil quality) in which a plant grew will affect it, as will how and when it was harvested and processed.
How are herbs used?
The use of herbal supplements has increased dramatically over the past 30 years. Herbal supplements are classified as dietary supplements by the U.S. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994. That means herbal supplements -- unlike prescription drugs -- can be sold without being tested to prove they are safe and effective. However, herbal supplements must be made according to good manufacturing practices.
The most commonly used herbal supplements in the U.S. include echinacea (Echinacea purpurea and related species), St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), garlic (Allium sativum), saw palmetto (Serenoa repens), ginseng (Panax ginseng, or Asian ginseng; and Panax quinquefolius, or American ginseng), goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), valerian (Valeriana officinalis), chamomile (Matricaria recutita), feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium), ginger (Zingiber officinale), evening primrose (Oenothera biennis), and milk thistle (Silybum marianum).
Often, herbs may be used together because the combination is more effective and may have fewer side effects. Health care providers must take many factors into account when recommending herbs, including the species and variety of the plant, the plant's habitat, how it was stored and processed, and whether or not there are contaminants (including heavy metals and pesticides).
What is herbal medicine good for?
Herbal medicine is used to treat many conditions, such as asthma, eczema, premenstrual syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, menopausal symptoms, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, and cancer, among others. Herbal supplements are best taken under the guidance of a trained health care provider. For example, one study found that 90% of arthritic patients use alternative therapies, such as herbal medicine.Be sure to consult with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any herbs. Some common herbs and their uses are discussed below.
  • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) has been used in traditional medicine to treat circulatory disorders and enhance memory. Although not all studies agree, ginkgo may be especially effective in treating dementia (including Alzheimer's disease) and intermittent claudication (poor circulation in the legs). It also shows promise for enhancing memory in older adults. Laboratory studies have shown that ginkgo improves blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of blood platelets. By the same token, this means ginkgo may also increase the effect of some blood thinning medications, including aspirin. People taking blood thinning medications should ask their doctor before using ginkgo. Caution should also be taken with people with a history of seizures and people with fertility issues; speak with your physician.
  • Kava kava (Piper methysticum) is said to elevate mood, enhance well being and contentment, and produce a feeling of relaxation. Several studies have found that kava may be useful in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and related nervous disorders. However, there is serious concern that kava may cause liver damage. It's not clear whether the kava itself caused liver damage in a few people, or whether it was taking kava in combination with other drugs or herbs. It's also not clear whether kava is dangerous at previously recommended doses, or only at higher doses. Some countries have taken kava off the market. It remains available in the United States, but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a consumer advisory in March of 2002 regarding the "rare" but potential risk of liver failure associated with kava containing products.
  • Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) is used by more than 2 million men in the United States for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a non cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. A number of studies suggest that the herb is effective for treating symptoms, including frequent urination, having trouble starting or maintaining urination, and needing to urinate during the night. But a well-conducted study published in the February 9, 2006 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine found that saw palmetto was no better than placebo in relieving the signs and symptoms of BPH.
  • St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is well known for its antidepressant effects. In general, most studies have shown that St. John's wort may be an effective treatment for mild to moderate depression, and has fewer side effects than most other prescription antidepressants. But the herb interacts with a wide variety of medications, including birth control pills, and can potentially cause unwanted side effects, so it is important to take it only under the guidance of a health care provider.
  • Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a popular alternative to commonly prescribed medications for sleep problems because it is considered to be both safe and gentle. Some studies bear this out, although not all have found valerian to be effective. Unlike many prescription sleeping pills, valerian may have fewer side effects, such as morning drowsiness. However, Valerian does interact with some medications, particularly psychiatric medications, so you should speak to your doctor to see if Valerian is right for you.
  • Echinacea preparations (from Echinacea purpurea and other Echinacea species) may improve the body's natural immunity. Echinacea is one of the most commonly used herbal products, but studies are mixed as to whether it can help prevent or treat colds. A review of 14 clinical studies examining the effect of echinacea on the incidence and duration of the common cold found that echinacea supplements decreased the odds of getting a cold by 58%. It also shortened the duration of a cold by 1.4 days. Echinacea can interact with certain medications and may not be right for people with certain conditions, for example people with autoimmune disorders or certain allergies. Speak with your physician.
Buying standardized herbal supplements helps ensure you will get the right dose and the effects similar to human clinical trials. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about which herbal supplements are best for your health concerns.
Is there anything I should watch out for?
Used correctly, herbs can help treat a variety of conditions, and in some cases, may have fewer side effects than some conventional medications. But because they are unregulated, herbal products are often mislabeled and may contain additives and contaminants that aren' t listed on the label. Some herbs may cause allergic reactions or interact with conventional drugs, and some are toxic if used improperly or at high doses. Taking herbs on your own increases your risk, so it is important to consult with your doctor or pharmacist before taking herbal medicines. Some examples of adverse reactions from certain popular herbs are described below.
  • St. John's wort can cause your skin to be more sensitive to the sun's ultraviolet rays, and may cause an allergic reaction, stomach upset, fatigue, and restlessness. Clinical studies have found that St. John's wort also interferes with the effectiveness of many drugs, including the blood thinner warfarin (Couamdin), protease inhibitors for HIV, birth control pills, certain asthma drugs, and many other medications. In addition, St. John's wort should not be taken with prescribed antidepressant medication. The FDA has issued a public health advisory concerning many of these interactions.
  • Kava kava has been linked to liver toxicity. Kava has been taken off the market in several countries because of liver toxicity.
  • Valerian may cause sleepiness, and in some people it may even have the unexpected effect of overstimulating instead of sedating.
  • Garlic, ginkgo, feverfew, and ginger, among other herbs, may increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) may increase the risk of seizures in people who have seizure disorders and bleeding in people with bleeding disorders or who take blood thinning medications, such as Coumadin (Warfarin).
Some herbal supplements, especially those imported from Asian countries, may contain high levels of heavy metals, including lead, mercury, and cadmium. It is important to purchase herbal supplements from reputable manufacturers to ensure quality. Many herbs can interact with prescription medications and cause unwanted or dangerous reactions. For example, there is a high degree of herb/drug interaction among patients who are under treatment for cancer. Be sure to consult your doctor before trying any herbal products.
Who is using herbal medicine?
Nearly one-third of Americans use herbs. Unfortunately, a study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that nearly 70% of people taking herbal medicines (most of whom were well educated and had a higher-than-average income) were reluctant tell their doctors that they used complementary and alternative medicine.
How is herbal medicine sold in stores?
The herbs available in most stores come in several different forms: teas, syrups, oils, liquid extracts, tinctures, and dry extracts (pills or capsules). Teas can be made from dried herbs left to soak for a few minutes in hot water, or by boiling herbs in water and then straining the liquid. Syrups, made from concentrated extracts and added to sweet tasting preparations, are often used for sore throats and coughs. Oils are extracted from plants and often used as rubs for massage, either by themselves or as part of an ointment or cream. Tinctures and liquid extracts are made of active herbal ingredients dissolved in a liquid (usually water, alcohol, or glycerol). Tinctures are typically a 1:5 or 1:10 concentration, meaning that one part of the herb is prepared with 5 - 10 parts (by weight) of the liquid. Liquid extracts are more concentrated than tinctures and are typically a 1:1 concentration. A dry extract form is the most concentrated form of an herbal product (typically 2:1 - 8:1) and is sold as a tablet, capsule, or lozenge.
No organization or agency regulates the manufacture or certifies the labeling of herbal preparations. This means you can't be sure that the amount of the herb contained in the bottle, or even from dose to dose, is the same as what is stated on the label. Some herbal preparations are standardized, meaning that the preparation is guaranteed to contain a specific amount of the active ingredients of the herb. However, it is still important to ask companies making standardized herbal products about their product's guarantee. It is important to talk to your doctor or an expert in herbal medicine about the recommended doses of any herbal products.
Are there experts in herbal medicine?
Herbalists, chiropractors, naturopathic physicians, pharmacists, medical doctors, and practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine all may use herbs to treat illness. Naturopathic physicians believe that the body is continually striving for balance and that natural therapies can support this process. They are trained in 4-year, postgraduate institutions that combine courses in conventional medical science (such as pathology, microbiology, pharmacology, and surgery) with clinical training in herbal medicine, homeopathy, nutrition, and lifestyle counseling.
How can I find a qualified herbalist in my area?
For additional information, or to locate an experienced herbalist in your area, contact the American Herbalists Guild (AHG) at site at To located a licensed naturopath in your area, call the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) at
What is the future of herbal medicine?
In some countries in Europe -- unlike the U.S. -- herbs are classified as drugs and are regulated. The German Commission E, an expert medical panel, actively researches their safety and effectiveness.
While still not widely accepted, herbal medicine is being taught more in medical schools and pharmacy schools. More health care providers are learning about the positive and potentially negative effects of using herbal medicines to help treat health conditions. Some health care providers, including doctors and pharmacists, are trained in herbal medicine. They can help people create treatment plans that use herbs, conventional medications, and lifestyle changes to promote health.

Alternative Names:

Botanical medicine
  • Reviewed last on: 10/2/2011
  • Steven D. Ehrlich, NMD, Solutions Acupuncture, a private practice specializing in complementary and alternative medicine, Phoenix, AZ. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network.


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Thursday, May 17, 2012

ض Sorrel والعلاج بالاعشاب Acidosis Sorrel Sorrel and herbal treatment

Perennial slender and low. Its shape and equity securities Sanabel terminal with small green flowers turn to red when mature seeds. It grows wild types and some are grown, and longer pulses of agriculture.
It grows wild in the bush near the wetlands and streams are grown for their leaves acidity. An herb with a height of about (30) centimeters, which is of two types: the great gardener acidosis and acidosis young gardener, there is a small paper acidosis in most temperate regions of the world. Growing in fallow land and in pastures, and in the early Moktef class.


Contains a small paper on acidosis and Oczalat Entrakinnonat (including Alkrisovanol and Alaamurden and Alveskjon). Alantrakinont irritant and laxative effect of when they are isolated.

History and Heritage

Acidosis paper is a small component of anti-cancer drug called Isaac Essiac, as well as its
Kkhaddrh in power. Alaasiak also includes, a local version of American, burdock and red elm and Alraud

The Ashabon knew at the beginning of this century, after that I noticed a Canadian nurse cure patient took this formula from breast cancer, and since that time has seen Alaasiak history has been uneven.

Medical Uses

Acidosis a small paper for removing toxic herb, fresh juice and the effect of markedly diuretic, which is similar to other members of the platoon acidosis, mild laxative, and can be a treatment for chronic diseases in the long run, especially those related to gastric and intestinal tract.

For the use of acidosis on the dining table: acidosis separate papers for its market and sliced ​​grated and mixed with mayonnaise dried milk, then add the apple (grated) and mix well and progress as an authority.

To make soup: toasted a little flour in ghee Thmissa light, it remains exact retains turquoise, white, then add the onion chopped and the amount of gravy salted, and boil to the equator, and before the end of boiling a few minutes only added to the soup amount of 125 g of paper acidosis chopped.

The thickness and types of pasta: toasted flour as described above in the preparation of the soup and add the amount of milk and boil to the equator and then blends well with the chopped leaves acidosis.

CAUTION: acidosis should not be taken by a small paper who has a tendency to kidney injury pebble.

Parts used in peach

Parts used in peach:

Fresh and dried fruit.

Home and the history of peach:

Native to Persia in Asia, the country moved from the Mediterranean to Europe.
The best types of plums that grow in the mountains of Lebanon and Syria, while in Europe are those planted in Bordeaux in France.

There are two types of peaches: wild type, the type of farming. The type of agricultural land comma but through a process of hybridization Ohoake disappeared.

Installation of peach:

Water 80.60%, 17.60% sugar, starch 0.81%, ash, phosphorus mineral salts are potassium 18% 25% Calcium 14% Iron 0.4% and 0.9% copper in grams per cent. Also included in the composition of peach gum and vegetable fiber and vitamin A and vitamin C, Malic Acid and Pectin

The rates of materials at the top vary in dried plums: water 22.10%, sugar 73%, ash 0.40%.

Uses and benefits of medical peach:

- Dried plums laxative gentle nature can be eaten after being soaked for 3 hours with water or a little Glie. Since the effect of softening peach can be nice to strengthen its influence to those who need laxative effect Oqy blending peach textured senna Senna
- Relieves thirst and free summer skin. Reduce heat to Mahroran
- Rewards vomiting and dizziness
- Headache and migraine are struggling through the fat olive oil topically and eat (the fruit) Fadhaaf effect
- Fight gum disease Balgrgerh
- Leader of urine and crumbling gravel and sand
- Appetizing. Good tonic for the stomach

Home and the history of asparagus

Home and the history of asparagus:

His native England, it is located in Russia, Poland and Greece. Asparagus had a prominent place when the Greeks and Romans.
Pliny mentions in his book varieties grow in Ravenna, including asparagus. Gerard notes the existence of asparagus in 1957.

The asparagus plants that have a distinctive position in the world, and pharmacists were the Chinese keep the roots of good and fresh asparagus for members of their family and friends for their faith as the increase in the bonds of sympathy and love.

In India, the Indians used the roots of asparagus to increase fertility and ease Chjnat the menstrual cycle in women and to increase the generation of milk when nursing mothers.

Installation of Asparagus:

94% water, protein, sugar high, Saponin, mineral salts, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B2, B1 Aftiamin

Uses and benefits of medical asparagus:

- Increases fertility in women
- Removes menstrual pain
- Improves milk yield at the nursing mother
- Tonic for sexual energy, has a memorandum of plant hormones
- The roots of asparagus helps the secretion of hormones that affect the human feeling
- Diuretic, heartbreaking gravel and sand. Removes salts from the body and entrapment of water
- Nutritious, contains a high content of folic acid, which is required during pregnancy
- Helps to produce red blood cells
- Helps treat rheumatism
- Strengthens the visual acuity due to the presence of vitamin A prevents night blindness

Friday, April 13, 2012

Doctors are developing modern methods for the treatment of tooth decay

It seems possible to reduce medical visits to dental clinics and the need for drilling and fillings for the treatment of tooth decay and cavities of the teeth, through the adoption of remedial programs provide a new on these cases on the basis that they Bacterial diseases are prevention, this has been confirmed by the American Academy of Dental year.

The doctors explained that the advanced cases of tooth decay caused by filling the mouth Baltjaoev were treated in the past fillings allocated to it. Now it was considered a kind of bacterial infections that address the disclosure of the bacteria that cause cavities, known as Staphylococcus serial "Stervtokokas Maōtanz," and disposed of before a drilling cavities in the teeth, which reduces the need for patients to frequent repairs.

They said that he can patients address the decay in the home when their followers prevention programs that prevent or stop or even reflect a cavity early, so get rid of bacteria decay by using a chemical treatments that contain fluoride or the article "Klorhiksidin" or iodine or Zailitol products or baking soda suitable initial decay in the teeth, and then follow the second step, known as the "re-mineralization," which compensate for the minerals calcium and phosphate, which lost at the start of decay.

And assist new developments in the field of dentistry in the detection of cavities in the primary by using laser light instead of visual inspection or X-Sunni can not identify cavities, but when they hit a large area, and thus an area of ​​reform is very small and do not affect the tooth structure and keep it strong than if they were full of fillings

Toothpaste tooth decay treated without surgery

Researchers from the Institute succeeded FAP Dental, Japan, in the development of a substance capable of reform early tooth decay without the need to drill teeth doctor user wounds, according to the science journal Nature reported in its latest issue.

In order to treat tooth decay, the dentist usually remove the corrupt parts of the tooth by the drill and then add the stuffing to fill the vacuum created.

But Japanese researchers say in this process and a violation of exaggeration unwarranted, especially in the early stages of decay where the Altsusat microscopic size in a high-accuracy.

The researchers believe that it does not make sense to remove the parts of the tooth is Mtsush to be able to install the charge that you need to vacuum sufficient regardless of the size of cavities.

And if left untreated Altsusat small, the bacteria destroy the tooth enamel, leading to a deeper Tsusat. Over time, increases erosion, which weakens the teeth more, and become a hole and filling necessary. May be needed later to address the root canal or installing crown of the tooth erosion after filling. The age of the patient may lose altogether.

However, the new putty to stop the deterioration of the teeth prior to double ball of ice. It will be like putty white crystalline substance tooth enamel chemically and structurally.Putty has succeeded in repairing what caused the early decay of the crack in the bottom of the Najz mouth.

In the process took 15 minutes without a drill, he succeeded putty to fill in and seal the area where the impact of tooth decay. The following tests have shown that treatment of the putty has been proven in the Age properly integrated with the port of natural tooth.

The researchers compared the results of treatment with a solution of fluoride, which is an alternative treatment for early decay and paste between the results of the new treatment, they found that the fluoride solution covered the Port may age, but of varying thickness, leaving a gap between the treated area of ​​the tooth and the other untreated.The new putty did not leave any gap and maintained the regularity of the thickness of the port of Age of treatment.

And this paste can be treated early tooth decay, and strengthens the natural harbor of age, which helps prevent decay the same area again.

This can be used by dentists putty, and warns that touches the gum paste, because Haamadath high concentration of hydrogen peroxide it may cause inflammation of the gums, but other materials may cause similar cons have been used previously in the treatment of patients.

In order for dentists to obtain a new paste, the remaining teeth daily care of the normal fluoride toothpaste except you, and use floss to clean between the teeth, and periodic disclosure to the doctor, are the best options available.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Argan Oil Benefits For Hair And Skin Care

For the last decades, the popularity of natural and organic products for skin and hair care has been increasing. Despite a common idea that it is difficult to achieve fast and stable results by using natural formulas, many of us know that herbal remedies, essential oils, herbal extracts, and other natural products are side effects free, and if used on a regular basis they can be very effective for improving our skin health, preventing aging, combating skin infections and imperfections, stopping hair loss, stimulating hair re-growth, and so forth.Organic Argan OilArgan oil is one of the newest natural products in the world’s market of natural cosmetic products. It is received from the kernels of argan tree fruits by using traditional methods of mechanical pressure. There are beautiful and huge forests of argan trees in North Africa, mainly in Morocco and Algeria, where the best quality argan oil is produced. This unique natural remedy has numerous medicinal and cosmetic benefits as a source of dozens of natural minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and other compounds.Argan oil has a long history of being use as a natural remedy to help women look beautiful and youthful. It is believed that this oil was used by Cleopatra as it was mentioned in her dairy as a unique product to support female beauty in a natural way. Many modern ladies all around the world also want to experience magic properties of this Moroccan natural product, seeing it as a great alternative to expensive and quite dangerous Botox injections or plastic surgery.Argan Oil BenefitsMultiple uses of argan oil are derived from numerous therapeutic actions and properties of this natural product. It was found out that this natural extract is a rich source of Vitamin E, one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, thus, argan oil benefits include excellent anti-aging and revitalizing properties, which can be used not only for skin or hair care, but for preventing all sorts of premature aging.Carotenoids are other very important ingredient of natural argan oil which play a role for enhancing the function of the immune system, improve female reproduction function, stimulate chemical processes on the cell levels, and so on.Also, argan oil contains so called ‘good fats’ like natural omega 3 and omega 6 acids which can assist in weight loss, prevent dry skin and ward off various infections. Thus, by taking a brief look at the ingredients it is possible to understand and why argan oil benefits are being valued by many beauty and skin care specialists.Argan Oil For SkinAmazing skin care properties of argan oil as an effective and affordable alternative to many natural skin care products embrace the following:Revitalizing and moisturizing all types of skinImproving skin texture and complexionProviding our skin with plenty of minerals, vitamins and essential nutrientsCombating dry and flaky skin in a safe and natural wayStimulating collagen and elastin productionMaking your skin smooth and softImproving skin flexibilityPreventing premature aging processesReducing blemishes and other sorts of skin pigmentationConditioning cuticles and strengthening the nail itselfMinimizing and erasing wrinkles and fine linesEliminating small scars and other minor skin imperfectionsPreventing and combating stretch marksEffective natural protection against damaging effects of sunlight and other environmental factorsCreating a strong barrier between skin and harsh effects of cold weatherAssisting in combating acne, eczema and other infections.Playing a role of a natural treatment of many common skin diseases.Providing everyone with very safe and effective natural skin careArgan Oil For Hair And NailsArgan oil benefits for hair and nails include the following properties of this natural product:Enhancing the texture and appearance of the hairHelping with brittle or fizzy hairAssisting in reducing scalp inflammation and infectionsNourishing hair follicles and stimulating their developmentCreating a great environment for hair re-growthProviding very high effectiveness for combating the problem of split endsPreventing hair thinning and lossProtecting against sun damage and various environmental toxinsConditioning cuticlesNourishing and strengthening nailsEliminating nail imperfectionsWhere To BuyHigh quality cosmetic argan oil is offered by Skinseption, one of the most known and reputable producers of natural skin care and beauty products. Skinception argan oil is 100 % natural product made from argan tree fruits harvested from the cleanest areas in Morocco. This product is completely free of impurities, and it is manufactured with no additives and preservatives. This natural product has become a new trend in the modern world’s beauty care market. Click here to visit Skinception Argan Oil site and get an opportunity to enjoy remarkable argan oil benefits.

Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) is a tall flowery shrub, native to the Mediterranean areas, central Europe and the Middle east. Hyssop is also known as yanagi-hakka, curdukotu, or hastipippili, and its most common name derived from the Greek and the Hebrew word “Ezov”, the plant mentioned in the Holy Bible and used for several religious rituals of Christians. In addition to that, hyssop plant has a pretty long history of use as a valuable medicinal herb and being cultivated as a decorative plant. This effective herbal remedy can assist us in combating a multitude of various medical conditions, however, it is necessary to beware of harmful side effects of hyssop.Health benefits of hyssop include excellent antiseptic, astringent, digestive, carminative, anti-spasmodic, tonic, stimulant, emenagogue, anti-inflammatory and other therapeutic actions. Hyssop infusion which is one of the most common ways of using this medicinal herb, is recommended to those who suffer from various symptoms of colds and the flu, including whooping coughs, sore throat, fever, headaches, cold feet, as well as all other signs of respiratory infections. To ease clogged nose, it is possible to inhale the vapors of hyssop decoction, and placing a piece if cotton with 2-3 drops of hyssop decoction can help to heal ear infections.Besides, hyssop infusion has slight sedative effect and can help a patient to sleep and calm down. Antispasmodic health benefits of hyssop can be used to treat muscular cramps, menstrual cramps, stomach cramps and various other sorts of cramps. Hyssop infusion can be used as a great natural digestive aid to treat minor digestive problems like nausea, indigestion, heaviness in the stomach, flatulence, and minor infections of intestines. This natural remedy can be used to stimulate blood circulation and ease joint pains related to rheumatoid arthritis, lower blood pressure and prevent urinary system disorders.Hyssop plays a role in skin care, it can be used to prevent wrinkles, loose and sagging skin, too pale or too thin skin, and it is possible to use hyssop infusion to speed up healing wounds, boils, cuts, insect bites, and so on. Many specialists and herbalists are aware that using hyssop infusion and other herbal preparations with this medicinal herb can cause adverse effects which should be considered when taking this natural remedy. The most common side effects of hyssop include miscarriage, menstrual irregularities, seizures, headaches, and those who suffer from epilepsy, iodine-related disorders, as well as pregnant women should avoid using this medicinal herb.

Honey is a very well known natural sweetener which has been used for the last 2500 years. Along with other natural products like vegetable oils or apple cider vinegar, honey plays a key role in folk medicines of many nations, especially in Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese medicine, as well as in alternative medicines of European countries and Russia. Honey is very highly valued as a natural antioxidant and antimicrobial agent, available throughout the year in virtually every place on earth. Great taste and numerous honey health benefits can serve for everyone’s great health and longevity.The most commonly known and utilized health benefits of honey include the following:Nourishing and boosting our energy levels. Honey is a great source of glucose, fructose, proteins, organic and amino acids, minerals like copper, magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, Vitamin C, Vitamins B complex, and many other useful nutrients. Honey is relatively high in calories (1 tablespoon of honey has about 65 calories), so this food can increase our energy levels and boost our athletic performance.Speeding up fat loss. It is hard to believe that using such a high calorie food as honey can assist weight loss. However, for many centuries it was known that using a glass of warm water mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon lemon juice (possibly with a pinch if cinnamon powder) can aid boosting metabolism, intensifying fat digestion and speeding up fat loss in the body. Undoubtedly, this is one of the key health benefits of honey.Natural antioxidant properties. Rich in flavonoids, honey can assist us in slowing down oxidation processes in our cells, prevent aging and all sorts of aging related mutations in cells. These honey health benefits received a huge scientific interest and were proven by several serious studies.Natural antiseptic properties. Honey has very strong anti fungal and antibacterial properties, usually attributed to a small content of propolis. That is why this natural remedy can be used for treating and preventing a wide range of infections.Alleviating the symptoms of respiratory system infections. This is one of the most important health benefits of honey which has been used throughout the world for ages. Honey can work wonders for treating such problem as sore throat, due to excellent antimicrobial properties. Besides, according to the findings of the experts at University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, published in Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews, this natural product can be very effective for relieving acute cough in children.Boosting our immune system. A series of studies in Israel has proven this property of high quality honey, so this natural product is recommended to children and adults for effective protection against many common diseases and ailments.Playing a role of natural topical treatments for wounds. A group of scientists from the University of Auckland found out that honey can increase the rate of healing acute wounds (see publication in Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews, October 2008). In another study, a group of Iranian experts at University of Medical Sciences of Tabriz compared the effectiveness of honey for burn wound healing with the effectiveness of mafenide acetate (published in Annals of Burn and Fire Disasters). According to the abstract, “In honey-dressed wounds, early subsidence of acute inflammatory changes, better control of infection, and quicker wound healing were observed.”Helping in combating insomnia and fighting the effects of stresses. A glass of warm milk with 1 or 2 teaspoon of honey is a very famous remedy for insomnia. For nervous tension relieving, it is recommended to use chamomile tea with 1 teaspoon of honey.Potential health benefits of honey (or those which need more research and scientific studies) include the properties of this natural product control blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity, prevent cancer, relieving joint pains, and stimulating detoxification.

A Handful Of Almonds For Weight Loss

Almonds are definitely among the healthiest natural foods, and consuming small amounts of almonds a day can provide us with a great deal of positive effects. Almonds are low on the glycemic index. They are rich in vitamin E and calcium, so these nuts can be recommended to those who suffer from anemia, insomnia, vision problems, heartburn, or stomach cramps. Almond extracts can be used to relieve coughs and other symptoms of respiratory problems. Almond kernels are used for producing almond oil, one of the most important and the most widely used oils for skin care. This natural product is rich in mono-saturated fats and fatty acids which are very useful to our cardiovascular health. However, almonds are quite high in calories, that is why the recommended daily dose of this food is only 10-15 kernels. According to the findings of a recent study, there are scientific grounds for recommending and effectively using almonds for weight loss.The study carried out a few years ago by a group of experts at Purdue University, West Lafayette, aimed to analyze the role of healthy low-glycemic foods like almonds in weight loss. And, as the findings have shown, consuming just a handful of almonds for weight loss can be a great and very smart solution! Being low-glycemic foods, almonds, taken in small doses, can substantially influence a common rise of our blood sugar levels after we eat our daily meals. Usually, sugar levels tend to rise quite fast, and by using the foods like almonds it is possible to benefit from a slower and a little more steady rise of sugar in our blood. This way, the scientists say, we feel full for a longer period of time, and as a result, consume less calories.During the experiments, Purdue University experts questioned a group of volunteers, the students who agreed to participate in the project. The participants were assigned to two groups, which were offered the same kind of diet (the same amounts of nutrients and calories), but the members of the first group were asked to consume a handful of whole almonds on a daily basis. According to the information from the interviews, those of the participants who were eating almonds reported about feeling full for a longer period of time, so they could decrease their daily calorie consumption. Also, the levels of their blood glucose was a lot lower compared to the ones of those participants, who were not consuming whole almonds every day.Thus, using low-glycemic foods like almonds in weight loss program can help us control our calorie consumption and this way maximize our weight management efforts. The study has proven the importance and effectiveness of almonds for weight loss, however, it is important not to forget that counting calories and using a healthy balanced diet based on fresh organic foods, in conjunction with leading an active lifestyle and doing plenty of physical activities are still the key factors for safe and effective weight loss. You can read more about the findings of this interesting research in one of 2009 issues of

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Obesity in Children

Obesity in Children

Obesity means having too much body fat. It is different from being overweight, which means weighing too much. Both terms mean that a person's weight is greater than what is considered healthy for his or her height. Children grow at different rates, so it isn't always easy to know when a child is obese or overweight. Ask your doctor to measure your child's height and weight to determine if he or she is in a healthy range.

If a weight loss program is necessary, involve the whole family in healthy habits so your child doesn't feel singled out. You can encourage healthy eating by serving more fruits and vegetables and buying fewer sodas and high-calorie, high-fat snack foods. Physical activity can also help your child overcome obesity or being overweight. Kids need about 60 minutes each day.

NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dental Inflammation

Dental InflammationInflammation of the deep cavity, nerve, vein and nerve is located here until the arrival of the bacteria and toxins that cause damage occurs as a result.General descriptionInflammation of the deep cavity, nerve, vein and nerve is located here until the arrival of the bacteria and toxins that cause damage occurs as a result. Here, bacteria, urea, consisting of - tion, and edema (fluid collection) further increases inflammation. As a result of inflammation of the tooth out, spread out around the tip of the root. In the meantime, consists of a very severe pain. Especially .... "Night pain" symptom of the onset of inflammation. Later, facial swelling, inflammation can spread up to be. During the propagation of inflammation and damage to tissues around the jaw bone begins to dissolve.Signs of inflammationSwelling of the mouth or inPain is severe and permanent teethPressure on the formation of tooth painFeeling of tooth elongation (mouth is closed the pressure of a tooth)Root treatmentWarranty does not burn the patient's life is taken primarily by anesthesia.Then cleaned rotten tooth, where there is nerve (or pulp) is reached.After reaching the pus that has accumulated in the pulp of the tooth out and causing the pain so intense pressure are eliminated.Completely died, or to interfere with the nerve, if possible, without pain, nerve and tissue residues in a channel is cleaned and removed. Bacterial infections that creates so "focus" would be destroyed.If you can not be removed because of pain in the nerve, a substance that is lethal effects of nerve putting teeth into the tooth with a temporary filling is turned off. The nerve is completely dead the next day will be more comfortable with this matter is tried.After cleaning the tip of the root of inflammation in tissue residues in channel bununan easier to seek to reach out to the tip of the root to emerge.Be extended to the tip of the root canal tooth. This process is easy to go out and inflammation of the channel walls and help flush bacteria settled.A few sessions into the channel by applying a variety of disinfectants and inflammation in a channel is made to eliminate the bacteria to be there.Inflammation, proliferation stopped coming after the end of inflammation and understood the tip of the root canal and a special filler inside, filled to the tip of the root.Expected for a while by a temporary filling on top. After waiting a few weeks and treated by the upper filling is finished.Teeth were root canal treatment, the viability of a dry and brittle over time to become lost. Even a simple force and break. For this reason, the teeth were root canal therapy within a few months after the end of treatment is recommended to be covered with porcelain crown.If there is pressure on the tooth after root canal treatment or tooth pain, mild swelling addition, if the bubble means that this treatment was not successful.X-rays can be seen in the root end of the recovery, but 6 months later. For this reason, the channel must be 6 months after treatment with X-rays taken. If this is still a lesion is visible tip of the root canal treatment rötgende renewed. If the replacement tooth pulled is not possible.

Diş İltihabı

Diş İltihabıİltihap ; derin çürüğün sinire kadar ulaşmasıyla bakterilerin ve toksinlerinin burada bulunan damar ve sinirin harabiyetine neden olması sonucunda oluşur.Genel tanımİltihap ; derin çürüğün sinire kadar ulaşmasıyla bakterilerin ve toksinlerinin burada bulunan damar ve sinirin harabiyetine neden olması sonucunda oluşur. Burada oluşan bakteri üre - mesi ve ödem ( sıvı toplanması ) iltihabı daha da arttırır. Bunun sonucunda iltihap dişin dışına , kök ucundan etrafa doğru yayılır. Bu sırada çok şiddetli ağrılar oluşur . Özellikle.... " gece ağrısı " iltihabın başlangıcının belirtisidir. Daha sonra yüzde şişlik olacak kadar iltihap yayılabilir. İltihap bu yayılma sırasında etrafındaki dokulara hasar verir ve çene kemiğini eritmeye başlar.İltihap belirtileriAğız içerisinde veya yüzde şişlik Şiddetli ve sürekli diş ağrısı Dişin üzerine basınca ağrı oluşması Dişte uzama hissi (ağzı kapatınca bir dişe baskı olması)Kanal tedavisiÖncelikle anestezi yapılarak hastanın canının yanmaması garantiye alınır. Daha sonra çürük temizlenip , dişin sinirinin olduğu yere ( pulpa ya ) ulaşılır .Pulpaya ulaşıldıktan sonra dişin içerisindeki birikmiş olan iltihap dışarı çıkar ve böylece şiddetli ağrıyı oluşturan basınç ortadan kalkmış olur.Sinir tamamen ölmüşse veya ağrı olmaksızın müdahale etmek mümkünse , kanal içerisindeki sinir ve doku artıkları temizlenip , çıkarılır . Böylece iltihabı yaratan bakterisel " odak " yok edilmiş olur .Eğer ağrı nedeniyle sinir çıkarılamıyorsa , siniri öldürücü etkisi olan bir madde diş içerisine konularak geçici dolgu ile diş kapatılır. Ertesi gün bu madde sayesinde sinir tamamen ölmüş olacağından daha rahat çalışılır.Kanal içerisinde bununan doku artıkları temizlendikten sonra kök ucundaki iltihabın daha kolay dışarı çıkabilmesi amacıyla kök ucuna kadar ulaşılmaya çalışılır.Kök ucuna kadar diş kanalı genişletilmelidir. Bu işlem hem iltihabın kolay dışarı çıkmasını hem de bakterilerin yerleştiği kanal duvarlarının temizlenmesini sağlar.Bir kaç seans süresince kanal içerisine çeşitli dezenfektan maddeler uygulanarak kanal içerisindeki bakteriler yok edilmeye ve iltihap azaltılmaya çalışılır. İltihabın üremesinin durduğu anlaşıldıktan ve kök ucundan iltihap gelmesi sona erdikten sonra kanal içerisi özel bir dolgu maddesiyle , kök ucuna kadar doldurulur.Üstüne geçici bi dolgu yapılarak bir süre beklenir . Bir kaç haftalık beklemenin ardından üst dolgu yapılarak tedavi bitirilir.Kanal tedavisi yapılmış dişler , canlılığını yitirdikleri için zamanla kuru ve kırılgan bir hale gelirler . Basit bir kuvvetle bile kırılabilirler. Bu nedenle kanal tedavisi yapılmış dişlerin tedavi bitiminden sonra bir kaç ay içerisinde porselen kron ile kaplanması önerilir.Kanal tedavisinden sonra dişin üzerine basınca ağrı varsa veya dişin yanında hafif bir şişlik , baloncuk varsa bu tedavinin başarılı olamadığı anlamına gelir.Kök ucundaki iyileşme ancak 6 ay sonra röntgen de görülebilir. Bu nedenle kanal tedavisinden 6 ay sonra mutlaka röntgen çekilmelidir. Eğer bu rötgende kök ucunda hala bir lezyon görülüyorsa kanal tedavisi yenilenmelidir. Eğer yenilenmesi mümkün olamıyorsa diş çekilmelidir.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What are Dental Implants?

What are Dental Implants?

Replicating the natural function and appearance of your lost teeth can be very difficult to accomplish. Historically, dentures or bridge restorations would be used as replacements, but with limited results. Dental implants, however, are natural-looking replacements for missing teeth that also provide the same function as your natural tooth root. They have also been used to anchor these other types of restorations for greater success and patient satisfaction.

A More Natural Approach

A dental implant is a small, sturdy, titanium post that acts as the root structure would for a natural tooth. A dental implant is placed into your upper or lower jaw bone. After the bone has grown around the implant, implants can hold a crown, bridge or over-denture just like roots hold natural teeth in place. Implants are very durable and can last a lifetime. They require the same maintenance as natural teeth; this includes brushing, flossing and regular dental check-ups.

A single tooth or a full arch of teeth which have been lost due to injury or disease can be replaced with dental implants. Titanium metal is used because of its compatibility with bone and oral tissues.

Dental Implant History

Dental Implants were developed in 1952, in a laboratory in the university town of Lund, Sweden by Professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark, who had a “lucky” accident during bone grafting research. Much to his dismay, Dr. Brånemark discovered that it was impossible to recover any of the bone-anchored titanium microscopes he was using. The titanium plate had apparently bonded irreversibly to living bone tissue, an observation which contradicted all scientific theory at the time.

Dr. Brånemark went on to demonstrate that under carefully controlled conditions, titanium could be structurally integrated into living bone with a very high degree of predictability, and without long-term soft tissue inflammation or rejection. Brånemark coined the name “osseointegration,” meaning the attachment of healthy bone to a titanium implant.

Thus dental implants were born and the first application of dental osseointegration was the implantation of new titanium roots in an edentulous (toothless) patient in 1965. Dental implants have shown a 90 percent success rate and long-term studies continue to show improving success.

Reasons you may want to consider dental implants:

•To replace one or more teeth

•To provide support for a partial denture

•To increase the support and stability of full upper or lower denture

•To enhance chewing comfort

•To increase confidence while smiling, talking and eating

•To improve your overall psychological health

•To improve esthetic appearance and regain over all confidence

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الرسائل غير المرغوب فيها

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

التهاب الجيوب الأنفية

التهاب الجيوب الأنفية، وتسمى أيضا التهاب الجيوب الأنفية ، هو عدوى تصيب مساحات مليئة بالهواء التي تقع ضمن عظام في وحول الأنف. These spaces are called paranasal sinuses, and when they get infected, they become inflamed. وتسمى هذه المساحات الجيوب الأنفية، وعندما يصاب بها، فإنها تصبح ملتهبة. This results in swelling of the mucus membranes that line the sinuses and cause pain and pressure in and around the eyes and cheekbones. وهذا يؤدي إلى تورم في الأغشية المخاطية التي تبطن الجيوب الأنفية وتسبب الألم والضغط في وحول العينين وعظام الخد.

Sinusitis is a common condition that results from a viral infection , bacterial infection , or rarely, a fungal infection . التهاب الجيوب الأنفية هو حالة شائعة أن ينتج عن عدوى فيروسية ، عدوى بكتيرية ، أو نادرا، وهي عدوى فطرية . Certain conditions, behaviours or injuries make it more likely that sinusitis will develop. ظروف معينة، والسلوكيات أو إصابات تجعل من المرجح أن التهاب الجيوب ستتطور. These include smoking, hay fever , allergic rhinitis , trauma to the nose, tooth abscess and exposing the deep areas of the nose to bacteria, viruses or fungus through such activities as picking the nose. وتشمل هذه التدخين، و حمى القش ، حساسية الأنف ، والصدمات النفسية للأنف، خراج الأسنان ، وتعريض المناطق العميقة من الأنف إلى الفيروسات والبكتيريا أو الفطريات من خلال أنشطة مثل اختيار الأنف.

An infection occurs when the body's immune system is unable to stop harmful bacteria, viruses or fungi that have been introduced into the sinuses from reproducing. وتحدث العدوى عندما نظام المناعة في الجسم غير قادر على منع البكتيريا الضارة أو الفيروسات أو الفطريات التي قد تم ادخالها في الجيوب من التكاثر. This results in the inflammation of the sinuses and symptoms, such as facial pain and pressure and thick greenish mucus that is discharged from the nose. هذه النتائج في التهاب الجيوب الأنفية والأعراض، مثل آلام الوجه والضغط ومخاط مخضر سميك التي يتم تفريغها من الأنف. Severe complications that affect the brain may also occur. مضاعفات خطيرة قد تؤثر على الدماغ يحدث أيضا. For more details on symptoms and complications, refer to symptoms of sinusitis . لمزيد من التفاصيل حول الأعراض والمضاعفات، وتشير إلى أعراض التهاب الجيوب الأنفية .

Making a diagnosis of sinusitis begins with taking a thorough medical history, including symptoms, and a physical examination that focuses on the nose and sinuses. مما يجعل تشخيص التهاب الجيوب الأنفية يبدأ مع أخذ تاريخ طبي شامل، بما في ذلك الأعراض، والفحص البدني الذي يركز على الأنف والجيوب الأنفية. Findings include swelling and inflammation of the sinuses and thick greenish nasal mucus. وتشمل النتائج تورم والتهاب الجيوب الأنفية، ومخاط سميك مخضر. Diagnostic testing may include imaging tests, such as an X-ray or CT, which can confirm a diagnosis and reveal the severity of the condition. قد تشمل الاختبارات التشخيصية اختبارات التصوير، مثل الأشعة السينية أو المقطعية، والتي يمكن تأكيد التشخيص والكشف عن شدة الحالة. Imaging tests may also help to uncover underlying conditions, such as a tooth abscess . ويمكن للاختبارات التصوير أيضا أن يساعد على كشف الظروف الكامنة، مثل خراج الأسنان .

It is possible that a diagnosis of sinusitis can be missed or delayed because the symptoms can be mild or assumed to be associated with other conditions, such as migraine headache or upper respiratory infection . فمن الممكن أن يمكن غاب عن تشخيص التهاب الجيوب الأنفية، أو تأخرت لأن الأعراض يمكن أن تكون خفيفة أو يفترض أن تكون مرتبطة مع غيرها من الشروط، مثل الصداع النصفي أو عدوى الجهاز التنفسي العلوي . For more information on misdiagnosis, refer to misdiagnosis of sinusitis . لمزيد من المعلومات حول خطأ في التشخيص، راجع إلى خطأ في التشخيص من التهاب الجيوب الأنفية .

Treatment for sinusitis varies depending on the cause, severity of symptoms, the presence of complications, a person's medical history. علاج لالتهاب الجيوب الأنفية تختلف تبعا للسبب، شدة الأعراض، فإن وجود مضاعفات، والتاريخ الطبي للشخص. Prompt treatment is important to prevent the development of serious complications, such as meningitis and brain abscess . العلاج الفوري مهم لمنع تطور مضاعفات خطيرة، مثل التهاب السحايا و خراج الدماغ . Treatment may include using a humidifier, medications or possibly surgery. قد يشمل العلاج استخدام المرطب، والأدوية أو الجراحة ربما. For more information on treatment, refer to treatment of sinusitis . لمزيد من المعلومات حول العلاج، وتشير إلى علاج التهاب الجيوب الأنفية . ... more » ... المزيد »

Sinusitis: Sinusitis is any infection or inflammation of the sinus cavities behind the nose and eyes. التهاب الجيوب الأنفية: التهاب الجيوب الأنفية هو أي عدوى أو التهاب في تجاويف الجيوب الأنفية وراء الأنف والعينين. It is very common with an estimated 37 million cases annually in the USA. ومن الشائع جدا مع الحالات 37000000 المقدرة سنويا في الولايات المتحدة. Symptoms vary according to which sinus cavity is infected; some are similar to cold or flu but other infections are not. الأعراض التي تختلف وفقا لمصاب تجويف الجيوب الأنفية، وبعضها تشبه البرد أو الانفلونزا عدوى لكن الآخرين ليسوا كذلك. Some sinus infections may also occur as a complication of a cold or flu. قد يكون بعض التهابات الجيوب الأنفية تحدث أيضا نتيجة مضاعفات البرد أو الانفلونزا. There may be various other underlying conditions causing sinusitis such as allergies , hay fever , or asthma . قد يكون هناك غيرها من مختلف الظروف الكامنة وراء تسبب التهاب الجيوب الأنفية، مثل الحساسية ، حمى القش ، أو الربو . ... more » ... المزيد »